Explore all the features Encast has to offer

With Encast, you’ll find tools to help with volunteer tracking, HR analytics, engagement
campaigns, and much more. We’ve developed a robust platform for organizations, C-level 
executives, and team members alike to empower their philanthropic calling. To do good, to
build morale, and truly make a difference in the world, all in one place.

Fee-Free Giving

Empower your team by letting them know all of their money is going to the causes that do the most good.


Volunteer Tracking

Track your team’s volunteer hours on the dashboard, in addition to their charitable donations.


HR Analytics

Powerful giving and volunteering engagement analytics like never before.


PR Expertise

In addition to your new philanthropy platform, you’ll have us as your new PR sidekick.


Mobile App

We’ve built this platform for anyone with a smartphone who may want to bring Encast with them.


You get more than just an giving platform

Discover how Encast can work for you by watching this short tutorial

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