by Michael Zakaras, Contributor
In addition to the personal fulfillment many individuals find by supporting charitable causes special to them, a thoughtfully planned and implemented charitable giving strategy can result in greater tax savings and after-tax results. For investors who own appreciated assets, such as publicly traded or privately held stock, mutual funds, real estate or a sizeable IRA, […]
If you were conscious and connected to the internet in 2014, there’s a reasonably good chance that you or someone you loved, or at least were Facebook friends with, participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. George W. Bush had freezing water poured on his head, so did Bill Gates, so did Amy Schumer (kind of). New York Magazine said it […]
Today, even the smallest businesses can capitalize on the power of digital platforms to better understand their customers’ needs and behaviors, engage with them more effectively, and provide customized offerings. But many of today’s consumers want more. A 2015 Nielsen Global Sustainability Reportfound that 43% of consumers say that a company’s commitment to social value “very […]
ALEXANDRIA, Va., Jul. 13 /CSRwire/ – Global Impact, whose mission is to build partnerships and resources for the world’s most vulnerable people, today announced new search capabilities for Growfund users to find current information about more than 800,000 charities, which greatly expands and informs donation opportunities. Donors can search by local or international needs, high-impact areas and among […]
When school is in session, it may seem like the greatest lessons to be learned revolve around reading, writing and arithmetic. But teaching children the importance of getting involved in their community and lending a hand to neighbors should not be overlooked.
According to recent research published by the Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI), a research arm of Indiana University’s Lilly Family School for Philanthropy, 44 percent of philanthropists give to women’s and girls’ causes. To break that down further, nearly 15 percent of these donors give to areas that directly impact women and girls, while just over […]