In this episode, Special Advisor Mohammad Hamid facilitates a discussion with Encast’s Board Member, Malcolm Goodwin, who shares a unique perspective on the evolution of corporate responsibility, supplier diversity, and how companies are beginning to think differently about racial inequality. Read More
While there are areas in my life I can be decidedly stubborn in, I like to think of myself as a reasonable person. Subject matters I know little or no information about, I inquire. I am mostly successful in not letting my ego get in the way of this practice, clear down to asking you...Read More
One of the strengths of today’s increasingly diverse global workforce is the fact that diversity brings innovation, fresh perspective, and creative problem solving to the workplace. In order to utilize the variety of skills and perspectives employees bring to the table, managers need to examine their own frame of reference, or paradigm through which they...Read More
The rites of spring in Austin tend to be fixed on Bluebonnets, Indian paint brush, warm winds off the Gulf of Mexico, and a gathering known internationally as South by Southwest (SXSW). Technology companies, entrepreneurs, investors, filmmakers, musicians, and dreamers come to the Texas capitol city to learn about the latest trends and ideas and plan...Read More
The trend toward Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) over the past decade has had a tremendous positive impact on businesses and various charitable causes. There is little doubt that companies grow and communities improve when there is a conscious effort to do more than just make a profit and provide dividends for shareholders. In fact, as...Read More
Culture is the character and personality of your organization. It’s what makes your organization unique and is the sum of its values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors, and attitudes. Here’s an overview of why workplace culture is important, what affects it, and how to define it.Read More
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